I think this movie would be really hard to talk about as a whole, because all I will end up saying is a string of nonsense about how good it is and how much I loved it rather than being anything worth reading. Instead, I have decided to review the performances of the 4 main characters of the film, seeing as casting is my jam. Enjoy.
Mark Wahlberg : Micky Ward
For some reason, I’m always a little skeptical of Mark Wahlberg. I don’t know if it’s because of his work back in the day with the Funky Bunch, or the third nipple thing, or perhaps that the first time I saw one of his movies was Planet of the Apes and I was too young and/or too much of a girl to understand it, but I usually have trouble taking him seriously as an actor. His brother is a New Kid, for heaven’s sake! But holy shit, did he bring it in The Fighter. His performance was incredibly subtle (as was his Bwaston accent, which I love always), and I was really rooting for him throughout the film. When his mother was being a psycho to him, I wanted to defend his honour by physically shaking her and saying "What the fuck is your problem, lady?!" And I’m sorry, but I just have to mention the fact that he is effing gorgeous. I don’t care who you are, there is no denying this man is fox.
Amy Adams : Charlene Fleming
I don’t really like Amy Adams. I mean, yes, when Cameron suggested that she play Betty in our WL 402 production of Archie: The Movie, I thought she would be pretty perfect. But for the most part, I think she’s not that interesting and I still hold a bit of a grudge against her for her role in The Office, where she dates Jim and drives Pam further into Roy’s arms, if I’m being completely honest. Also, she was super annoying in Enchanted. But in The Fighter, I found her quite enjoyable to watch. In a word, this girl was trash, but in a lovable way. She was a bit of a rough and small-town, and I think that she played it well and I much preferred her playing someone who is a little on the hard side as opposed to her usual sugary-sweet characters. This role really showed off what she’s capable of and certainly changed my opinion of her as an actress. A notable moment is when she beats the shit out of one of Micky’s sisters.
Melissa Leo : Alice Ward
This was the first time I have ever seen a movie of Melissa Leo’s. I mean, she was on an episode of Veronica Mars once, but it doesn’t really count because she was just the transsexual father of one of Veronica’s client. Good episode, but hardly any sort of indication of what the woman is capable of. So when she won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, I, having not seen this movie yet, had no clue who she was. Now that I’ve seen it, I still have trouble reconciling the fact that she is who she is. First, she is physically unrecognizable in the film. Her hair is atrocious and overall she does not look like herself. And holy shit, is she a unlikeable. I can’t seem to reconcile Melissa Leo in real life with Melissa Leo in this movie. I absolutely hated her throughout the entire film, and I guess that’s the point. Her complete transformation is deserving of her Oscar, let alone her actual acting and character work.
Christian Bale : Dick Eklund
Forget Mark Wahlberg. Despite playing an emaciated crack head, Christian Bale was the most attractive man in this film. He really stole the show with his portrayal of a failed boxer turned drug addict Dicky Eklund. Overall I think that Christian Bale is one of the greatest actors of today, and I think he too often gets overlooked. I’m glad people seem to no longer ignore his incredible talent, because he truly is amazing. I mean, c’mon! The guy has pretty much never done the same accent twice (the exception being Batman, which I feel is understandable). After the film, they show a clip that’s about 30 seconds long of an actual interview with the real man, and from even just seeing that clip it’s clear that Christian Bale took this man on embodied him completely. There’s a real understanding of him in Bale’s performance and his dedication to the role is astounding. I even heard that at one point, to prepare for this role, Christian Bale moved in with the real Dick Eklund. You have to appreciate someone who takes their work that seriously. I’m getting back to that thing where I am so overwhelmed by something that I can’t actually articulate myself properly. Just. See this movie for this performance if nothing else. God, this is the guy from Newsies! It’s insane! But seriously, if anyone deserved an Oscar this year, it was certainly Christian Bale. Well… Him and Randy Newman.