
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


This past weekend, I saw Bridesmaids with Ashley, Danica and obviously Jenna, who shall henceforth be referred to as Jemma. Jemma is probably my absolute favorite person to see movies with because she is probably the funniest person I know. She always has the best comments to half-mumble under her breath. I know she’s all fashionable and everything, but she seriously SHOULD make a career out of writing.

Anyways, I saw Bridesmaids. I was really excited about it because 1. I loves me some wedding stuff and 2. I loves me some Judd Apatow. Remember good old Judd? He’s been grinding out (at times underrated) hits since the 90’s. He’s made so many great “funny-men” famous, and in the past decade he’s put out a lot of hilarious movies. It is also fitting that I saw this film Jemma because she introduced me to Apatow in high school care of many a hilarious Undeclared marathon.

In anticipation of seeing this film, I started following Apatow on Twitter. For the next week, all I saw was RT’s of people gushing over how good Bridesmaids was and how hilarious it was. So many RT’s that I finally got annoyed and unfollowed Apatow on principle. I don’t care for people clogging up my newsfeeds.

But this constant stream of praise meant that my expectations were pretty darn high. We arrived at the theatre, and I feel like I did a fair job of covering up my excitement. In order to accommodate Danica (because she is such a damn diva), we decided against seeing the movie at a decent theatre and ended up once again at the Criterion 4 White Rock, which I hate with a fiery passion. I paid $9.50 to get into this movie at this effing theatre when I had really wanted to see it at Strawberry Hill on a decent screen with no one breathing down my neck, which I should have figured was some sort of omen.

Once we got to the seats that Jemma and Ashley had picked out while Danica and I got reinforcements (Pop, popcorn, rollos. The usual), I sat down and swear I almost hit the floor because my seat was broken. Obviously. We were seeing a film at the Criterion 4, obviously my seat was as broken down as the rest of the theatre.

Anyways, we shifted down one, and the movie began. I was so excited. The previews were really good (previews are always my favorite part of any film. Sometimes, I just watch trailers on youtube when I have nothing else to do. I’m intrigued by the way films market themselves) and they even had one for HP: The Deathly Hallows II to which I almost peed my pants over I was so excited. Then the film started.

I really like Kristen Wiig, she is hilarious. I want to point to her and say “Jemma! You can do this! Kristen Wiig is making it cool to be a funny girl! Follow in her footsteps!”. Her relationship with Maya Rudolph’s character was really nicely portrayed, and I loved the chemistry between Wigg and the guy who plays Rhodes. Favorite part was when Wiig goes crazy at the bridal shower and falls over a giant cookie, and throws grass into a chocolate fountain. Also when she is trying to get Rhodes to talk to her so she does crazy irresponsible shit with her car. Side note, the guy who played Rhodes was adorable. I loved him. What else…. Loved the fashion. Really liked the music. Laughed a fair amount. The cupcake that Wiig makes is insane. The only thing I really didn’t like was the scene where everyone gets food poisoning and throws up on one another/ shits into a sink. Terrible stuff.

I probably really liked this film, considering the only thing I didn’t like about it was the potty humor. However, stupid Judd Apatow and his silly RTing gave me extremely high expectations for this film and I feel like they weren’t met. Which is actually the opposite of what happened when I saw Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides the day after I saw Bridesmaids. But that’s another blog for another day.


  1. I'm not a Diva! Its because I was working! Diva and The Criterion don't go together in the same sentence.

  2. Agree. I'm a more of a "Diva" in my refusal to not go to the Criterion 4 without a gun held to my head.

    I loved Bridesmaids and felt exactly the same way about it as you did, thankfully my expectations were less high so I probably enjoyed it more. You should know better Kirsty. Never go to a movie with high expectations! I also agree that Jemma is pretty funny, I also like that you are calling her Jemma. Hilarious.

    I'm excited for your POTC blog.

  3. I also got to go to this movie with you because you went to the Criterion 4! While I much prefer the Rialto, at least the Criterion is also local which means I get to be included in awesome girl's nights out, even though I've got the babies! One day they will be older and we will go to movies at bigger theatres. Or we will still go to the criterion 4 cuz then you might have babies and will want to stay local!
